The Ready to Ride? Trike offers convenience, comfort, and fun! This tricycle comes fully assembled for instant riding. It folds for easy portability and storage, and has an easy-to-carry handle grip. The tricycle also has a safety latch to ensure security during use. The low center-of gravity and controlled turning radius make sure the ride is always steady, and the sturdy steel construction and adjustable seat ensure your child will enjoy the trike for years of play. Plus, the Ready to Ride? Trike comes with streamers and a fun covered storage bin, great to store all kinds of toys for each adventure.
Radio Flyer Ready to Ride Folding Trike Fully Assembled, Red
Folds for storage, Streamers, Covered storage bin, Fully assembled, Adjustable seat
Radio Flyer
18 to 36 Months
7.28 lbs
15.35 x 24.55 x 18.28 Inches